28-29 Oct 2015 : A workshop on reef research made in Austria
Scientific Program
day 1, Natural History Museum
9h00 – OPENING by the Director of NHM Vienna
9h30 - Martin Zuschin - Introductory talk on research topics and networks, and the previous Autreef workshop
Chair: Pedro Frade
9h50 - Maria Schaffhauser - “Composition and evolution of reef-mounds in the Trogkofel Formation, Lower Permian, Carnic Alps, Austria”
10h10 - Patrick Meister - “Microbially induced and microbially catalyzed carbonate formation: two different types of mud-mound factories?”
10h30 - Javier Souto Derungs - "Bryozoan diversity from the cool water coral reef of the Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic)"
10h50 - Hubert Blatterer - “Mollusca from the Dahab region (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea)”
Chair: Martin Zuschin
11h30 - Mathias Harzhauser - “Taphonomy, age structure and carbonate production of a giant Miocene oyster reef”
11h50 - Jillian Petersen - “Chemosynthetic symbioses in lucinid clams from seagrass sediments”
12h10 - Pedro Frade - “Diversity of coral-associated microbes and their role in mediating host health”
12h30 - Ulisse Cardini -“Dinitrogen fixers in coral holobionts: symbiotic partners in a changing ocean”
12h50 - Juergen Herler - “Phenotypic adaptation and ecological function of small habitat-specialized coral reef fishes”
13h30 - 14h30 - LUNCH at the NHM Cafeteria
Chair: Joerg Ott
14h30 - Reinhard Kikinger - “Coral reefs and tourism – Impacts, information, conservation”
14h50 - Daniel Abed-Navandi - “The Haus des Meeres coral maintenance and propagation system and its potentials for experimental exsitu coral-research”
15h10 - Pierre Madl - “Detecting biocommunication in Scleractinia using an ultra-weak photon emission detection system“
15h30 - Marlene Wall - “Natural CO2-rich reefs in Papua New Guinea: a window into the future”
15h50 - Bernhard Riegl - “Going over the climate-cliff? Population dynamics of reef corals in a changing world”
16h30 - 18h00 - OPEN DISCUSSION moderated by Joerg Ott
18h00 - 19h30 - GUIDED TOUR and drinks
19h30 - 20h30 - POSTER SESSION
Lea Katherine Acera Kastner - “Stock and fishery investigation of commercial Aspidochirotid Holothurians (Holothuriidae and Stichopodidae) in the Philippines”
Omri Bronstein - “The environmental drivers of the annual reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Echinometra sp. from the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)”
Pedro Frade - “A specialized coral-Symbiodinium-Bacteria community deep down on a Caribbean reef”
Bettina Glasl - “Corals use their mucus microbiome to stay healthy and survive disturbances”
Andreas Kroh - “Echinoderms of Vavvaru Island (Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives) – new records from the 2014 Vienna University Reef course”
Iason Pifeas - “Long-term ecological changes in the north Adriatic Sea: Species turnover at the Brijuni island national park”
November A. Romena - “Common shallow water sea fans in the 'center of the center' of marine biodiversity”
Sarah Zauner - “Diversity, habitats and size-frequency distribution of the gastropod genus Conus at Dahab (Gulf of Aqaba, Northern Red Sea)”
20h30 - WORKSHOP DINNER at the Planetarium Room
Social Program
day 2, Haus des Meeres
Open day at the "Haus des Meeres – Aqua Terra Zoo" in Vienna, including:
12h00 - Afternoon FREE ENTRANCE
17h00 - GUIDED TOUR to the areas "Behind the Scenes"